URKUND offers a fully-automated system for handling plagiarism.
Only faculty require an Urkund account which they can get by contacting IT Helpdesk
URKUND supports the following file formats
.doc, .docx, .sxw, .ppt, .pptx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .html, .htm, .wps, .odt
Unfortunately no. URKUND is completely automated and a document that has entered the system can not be stopped before it is delivered. It is suggested, that you inform your faculty in case of any such situation.
Possible explanations:
1. You might have sent your document to a different faculty/Professor's analysis address. Check the address you entered in your e-mail.
2. Your faculty might have lost your document. Your faculty will however always be able to access your document through his/her personal web based inbox for URKUND mail available at www.urkund.com
3. An error might have occurred on the way -- between URKUND and your faculty. Show your confirmation e-mail to him/her and ask them to contact IT Helpdesk
No, you juse need to be able to send e-mails with attachments.